1. 1) GEAC Spa Cuneo Airport Management Company based in Levaldigi at S.P. 20 n1 12038, tel. 0172741500 – fax. 0172 741535 informs that it intends to identify the person(s) to be entrusted with, the sub-concession of the following areas, located at the “Sea Alps” Airport in Cuneo to be used for the exercise of professional training activities.
  1. Area located at the land-side area departure area of Cuneo Airport of about 8.5

It should be noted that: contractual relationships that will be established between GEAC and the Sub concessionaire of the aforementioned Areas must not be understood on an exclusive basis. Therefore, GEAC may during the term of the Sub Concession Agreement of the Areas referred to in point a) of this Article 1, legitimately make available to third parties, including competitors of the Sub Concessionaire, premises for the performance of activities similar or identical to those of the Sub Concessionaire, or directly engage in activities similar or identical to that of the Sub Concessionaire, with the express exclusion in both cases of any compensatory or indemnification award in favor of the Sub Concessionaire(s).

2) The handover of the Area referred to in paragraph (a) of Article No. 1 above, respectively, to the Sub-concessionaire awarded the selection to set up the same shall be from September 15, 2023.

The preparation, where necessary, will be at the total care and expense of the Sub concessionaire, who can claim nothing from GEAC in relation to the investment made.

3) The minimum conditions required for participation in the selection, are as follows:

  1. Possession of the requisites referred to in art. 34 of Legislative Decree 163/2006 and which are not found in the causes of exclusion pursuant to art. 38 of the same Legislative Decree.
  2. Be in possession of a valid license to carry out the activity covered by this procedure.

It is specified that the use and participation in the procedure in temporary groupings of companies are not permitted.

4) Companies interested in participating in the selection procedure, in possession of the minimum requirements indicated in Article 3 above, must send their offer, drafted in Italian, by PEC not later than no later than 12 noon on September 11, 2023 to the following address:

GEAC Spa – Cuneo Airport

Att. Management Secretariat

L’offerta dovrà pervenire in un unico invio, recante come oggetto, oltre al nominativo e al recapito dell’impresa, la dicitura “SELEZIONE PER L’AFFIDAMENTO IN SUBCONCESSIONE di AREE PER ATTIVITA’ DI FORMAZIONE PROFESSIONALE PRESSO L’AEROPORTO di CUNEO”. After the deadline indicated above, no other request will be considered valid. The delivery of the offer therefore remains at the sole risk of the sender.

L’allegato alla PEC dovrà contenere, a pena esclusione, la seguente documentazione, successivamente verificabile, sottoscritta dal legale rappresentante dell’impresa munito di idonei poteri:

  1. participation request, complete with all company identification data
  2. declaration of possession of the general requirements referred to in art. 38 of Legislative Decree 163/2006.
  3. Declaration stating that the competitor has a valid license
  4. Technical / qualitative offer
  5. Economic offer

It should be noted that the declarations indicated above must be made pursuant to art. 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree 445/2000

5) Il criterio di aggiudicazione alla gara relativa alla sub concessione dell’area di cui rispettivamente alla lettera a) del precedente articolo n. 1 will be determined with the parameter of the most economically advantageous offer. The evaluation of the offers received and the attribution of the relative scores will be carried out by a Judging Commission based on the following evaluation indices:

  1. TECHNICAL / QUALITATIVE OFFER: 40 points overall based on the following documentation:
    • document relating to the characteristics of the service and type of products offered
    • general project for the management and enhancement of existing spaces
    • curriculum vitae of the owner or legal representative of the offeror

2. OFFERTA ECONOMICA: 35 punti complessivi

      • Corrispettivo fisso a base d’asta: fissato come da tabella seguente. Bids must be submitted in increments.
Period1st yearII yearIII year
€ / sqm / year€ 3.490,00€ 3.490,00€ 3.490,00

La superficie dell’area oggetto della procedura è accettata in mq. 8,5.

  • Corrispettivo variabile a base d’asta: fissato come da tabella seguente. Bids must be submitted on the rise.
Period1st yearII yearIII year
Royalty % su fatturato generato da attività presso l’Aeroporto di Cuneo3%4%5%

The aforementioned amounts will be invoiced in advance bimonthly installments. Upon signing the contract, a deposit equal to two months will be required for the use of capital goods.

Le offerte saranno aperte e valutate da GEAC S.P.A. alle ore 12 del 12 Settembre 2023.

6) The sub-concession of each of the distinct Areas referred to respectively in letter a) of the previous article 1 will be governed by the relevant Contractof the duration of 36 months.

7) GEAC si riserva la facoltà di invitare i richiedenti a chiarire o completare le dichiarazioni e i documenti presentati.

8) GEAC si riserva di aggiudicare la selezione anche in presenza di una sola offerta valida.

9) GEAC si riserva la facoltà di annullare o revocare la procedura in qualsiasi momento, di non aggiudicare e/o stipulare i contratti in oggetto senza incorrere in responsabilità e/o azioni di richiesta danni nemmeno ai sensi degli artt. 1337 e1338 del codice civile.

It should be noted that the reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree 163/06 does not imply the applicability to this procedure, even by analogy, of the provisions contained therein unless expressly referred to.

10) La sub-concessionaria si riserva la facoltà di recedere dal contratto in corso di esecuzione purché ricorra uno dei seguenti motivi:

  • for reasons of force majeure or public interest;
  • non-fulfillment of the contractual object, as specified in point 1 of this letter.
  • failure to pay the annual rent in advance;

11) We inform you that pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03, the personal data provided by the participants in the tender are collected only for the purposes related to this procedure and, in the event of a possible award, for the management of sub-concession contracts.

Competitors and successful bidders will have the right to exercise all the rights referred to in art. 7 of the aforementioned Decree.

Levaldigi, 29/08/2023

The general director

Anna Maria Milanese